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Families and students deserve to have the freedom of choice in their educational experience. Here, we can truly tailor your child(ren)'s education to best met his/her gifts, talents, and areas of growth. Petrichor offers the benefits of a homeschool environment, with the structure and positive experience of a larger class. We get to keep Jesus as the center of it all, while creating a school schedule that makes play + nurturing development the foundation of all we do. 





Class Size: varies each year, and always includes mixed ages and abilities up to 20 students

Staff: Ashley is the Director and Lead teacher

Grades: K-5th (with older grade placements as needed)


Tuition: $710/month for the 2023-2024 school year

Student Fees: annual fee of $250 for purchase of curriculum materials + supplies


School Calendar: Mid-August thru Mid-May

Monday-Thursday, 9:00am-3:30pm


Food: all snacks + lunches will be provided by attending families. We are a family with food allergies, so we understand restrictions and special needs. 


Our typical daily schedule: 


-morning recess + fun with friends

-snack + calendar + morning meeting


-small group, grade level work for reading



-quiet time 


-small group, grade level work for math

-science + social studies incorporated into unit studies


Apply Online

The first step in enrollment is to apply online. Please use the forms above, and reach out to if you have any questions. 

Schedule Family Interview

After your application is recieved we will schedule a family interview. This can be done in person or via zoom, depending on what is best for families + schedules. 

Complete Paperwork

Required paperwork is next to be completed. If you'd like to submit this before your interview that's fantastic.

Enrollment ACceptance

Finally, we'll let you know if your application has been accepted or if you'll need to be placed on a waitlist for next year.



Want to check out the play space and school rooms? Come take a peek at the garden and enjoy visiting the five acre property. We would love to have you visit!

Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.

Rita Pierson


Petrichor School exists to create a nurturing and exciting place for children to thrive. We are bible-centered, love to play, and spend oodles of time outside. Gone are the days of teaching to the test. Here, we do what is best for students by relying on research based best practices for teaching and learning. We are bringing a fresh educational experience to families who are looking for support + freedom in their educational choices. 


Mon-Thurs: 9:00am-3:30pm

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